Relevant and Functional Education Campaign (RAFEC)



Curbing the Menace of Graduate Unemployment and Unemployability in 21st Century Labour Market: What Every School Administrator Must Know


Has it ever bothered you that the students that we are producing are not getting the best of jobs that they desire in their lives after graduation?

Has it ever bothered you that after spending 6 years in Primary School, 6 years in Secondary School, 4 or 5 years in tertiary instituitions, many of our graduates are turning back to learn shoe cobbling, bag making, bead making, catering, etc from semi-literate artisans?

Has it ever bothered you that only 10% of our graduates are getting really gainfully employed after graduation, leaving millions roaming the streets year upon year?

Has it ever bothered you that the  certificates in our graduates ‘ hands can hardly guarantee a good life for them any longer?


What are the Consequences?

The students are becoming frustrated that the good life of their dreams are eluding them.

The parents are becoming frustrated that they are not getting requisite return on investment after spending so much on their wards’ Education especially in private schools.

The employers of labour are becoming frustrated that the graduates are not having required skills and knowledge that they desire in the workplace.

The entire society is becoming frustrated as social maladies and deviant behaviours are staring everyone in the face.

Unemployed and unemployable graduates are fast becoming artisans, drivers, Okada riders, security men and gatemen within and outside the continent .


So many conjectures and reasons have been advanced to explain this unfortunate situation.

Are we teaching the wrong subjects?

Are we teaching the wrong contents?

Are we writing the wrong Examinations?

Are we using the wrong curriculum?

Interestingly, the answer to all the questions above are No!

Nothing is absolutely wrong with our contents or exams.


So, what is really wrong with our educational system that makes our products so disadvantaged in the labour market globally?

The answer is very simple: *_Knowledge and Information on the part of the school administrators_* .

Our students simply lack the knowledge of 7 basic requirements that global employers are looking for in any graduate that will be employable in this 21st Century.

Our teachers simply lack the knowledge of 45 basic concepts that would prepare the students for all round post-school success and breakthrough in this generation.

Our school administrators simply lack the knowledge of 20 basic issues that would position their schools and their students for 21st Century relevance.


Without this knowledge however, we would keep collecting school fees from parents without satisfying their yearnings for their wards.

Without this knowledge, we would keep churning out graduates who will continue to roam the streets because they are  unemployable by 21st Century standards

Without this knowledge, the Education we produce will no longer be relevant to the students, to the parents and to the employers of labour and this may threaten the future and  survival of  businesses of many school owners and administrators.


What is the way out?

The way out is to get every Educator in Africa to know what the global labour market is looking for and begin to expose the students to and empower them right from their foundational years in Primary and Secondary Schools.

This is what this Campaign is all about:

Curbing the Menace of Graduate Unemployment and Unemployability in the 21st Century Labour Market: What Every School Administrator Must Know


The Campaign is a 3-hour programme which will completely revolutionize our educational system in Africa and which will transform African students from unemployability to competitiveness.

There are three explosive sessions in this Programme:

Session 1:

What Every Student Must Know to Survive the 21st Century Labour Market

Session 2:

What Every Teacher Must Know to Transmit Relevant and  Functional Education in the 21st Century

Session 3:

What Every School Administrator Must Know to Deliver Globally Relevant and 21st Century Compliant Education.


Leading the team of resource persons in this Campaign is none other than one of the most sought after Educational thinkers and solution providers in Africa, AdebareEgunjobi, the Advocate of Functional Education in Africa.


This is not just another seminar or another conference. It is a solemn assembly to find lasting solutions to the problem that affects our collective future: the future of the young ones under our care, the future of the society that is getting saturated with unemployed youths and the future of our businesses as well!

For more information, please contact the following:


+234 803 954 7006

+234 806 402 1008

+234 905 724 4357

+235 703 070 2497

 *RAFEC Africa:*

 _promoting relevant and functional Education in Africa!_

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