The largest online training platform for teachers in Africa
Complete Teacher Training and Certification (CTTC) is an online Continuing Professional Development Programmes which has been specifically designed for African teachers.
For improved service delivery, on-the-job market in the 21st century responds to the following: Certificates, Certifications, Competencies and Skills (CCC&S).
Unfortunately, in Africa, emphasis is laid only on the first C which is Certificate. This explains the reason for the quality of workforce in many African schools.
This is the gap that CTTC is set to bridge: to provide requisite certification, competencies and skills for classroom teachers in African countries in the most professional, most accessible and yet most affordable way.
Continuous Professional Development CPD is the secret behind the educational development of many advanced countries of the world.
This is the description of learning activities that professional teachers engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. It is the supplementary learning that professional teachers undertake to augment, retain, upgrade and enhance their skills and abilities in the classroom.
The programme runs in three levels.
Each Level contains 15 courses each. No teacher can go through these courses and remain the same professionally.
See the attached document for comprehensive listing of courses in all the three levels)
_Statutory Fees:_
Registration Cost is N5,000 per course which makes it a total of N75,000 for all the 15 courses per teacher.
_Promo Fees:_
However, for the Promo that is currently on going, the Fees have been discounted considerably. Call the phone numbers below for details on the Promo Fees .
Participation is online. All the courses are in video sessions on the platform.
The participation is flexible, so the teachers can attend the courses at their individual convenient time within the stipulated period of learning.
The courses are facilitated by Dr AdebareEgunjobi, the CEO, EIN Educational Services and the Convener, SGI FINLAND.
EIN Educational Services is a foremost training provider in Africa with track record of over 20,000 classroom teachers and 10,000 school administrators trained in Nigeria and beyond.
The duration of each course is an average of 45 minutes to 1 hour.
The platform will be opened for 15 days for course participation (average of one course per day) with one additional day for the Examination.
5 multiple choice (objective) questions shall be set on each course making it a total of 75 objectives questions for each Level.
The questions shall be administered online or offline by the school administrator in charge in a typical examination setting in each school.
The examination is free of charge.
The cut-off mark for qualification for CTTC Certification is 40%.
Only the candidates who score 40% and above are eligible for Certification.
The school owners and administrators shall send the names of the successful candidates to the Management for immediate issuance of their certificates.
All the teachers who pass through this training shall be properly certificated for each level.
Any teacher who successfully finishes all the three levels shall be inducted as a CTTC Certified Educator with all the honours and benefits appertaining thereto.
The schedule is flexible, so the teachers can fix the timing and the venue to suit their convenience.
All courses are designed in such a way that they are adaptable to the peculiarities of every school and learning environment in any African country.
The courses have been found to be suitable for all different range of teachers on Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Institutions.
The technical configuration of CTTC platform makes it extremely user friendly and easy to access by every participant regardless of previous level of competence in computer or tech savviness.
With over 15 Proprietors and School Administrators Associations across different African countries, CTTC is widely acceptable by the educational stakeholders in both private and public sectors of African educational system.
CTTC is one of the most holistic and the most comprehensive practical teacher certification course in the whole of Africa.
It covers a wide range of topics that is germane to teachers professional development.
Employers of labour in education industry trust CTTC Certificates. This is because CTTC comes with a post lecture Test and Examination before a Certificate can be issued. This has increased the level of reliability, worth and value of the certificates in African educational labour market.
CTTC is a product of intense academic research and industry best practice through global exposure tours of over 30 American, British, Australian and Asian schools. However, content has been designed in such a way as to provide custom-built and tailor-made information to meet the peculiarities of African specific context.
*Level 1*
1. Robotics Education
2. The student centred classroom
3. The Digital classroom
4. Presentation Skills for Teachers
5. Disciplinary issues in schools
6. Leadership development in schools
7. 21st century teaching methodologies
8. Effective hostel management in schools
9. Visual resources in Education
10. Learning styles in classroom
11. Best Practices in student’s evaluation and assessment
12. Classroom Management Solutions for Teachers
13. Safety and risks management in schools
14. Security Management in Schools
15. Conflict management and bullying prevention
EIN Educational Services
*Lead Facilitator*
Dr AdebareEgunjobi, FPSA
+234 703 070 2497
*Communications Manager:*
Mrs Adebukola Davies
+234 803 954 7006
*Relationship Manager:*
Mrs YetundeOlaore
+234 806 402 1008
Administrative Manager
Mr Tobi Adetunji
+234 805 030 6407