International College of School Association (ICSA)



ICSA is a specialized training institution that is providing one of the most holistic, relevant, on-the-job and professional training services for school owners and administrators in Africa.

 *Training Curriculum:*

Twenty courses have been carefully and practically selected to cover all the major business and professional aspects of School Administration in any standard compliant educational institution.

The courses that will be covered during the Training Programme include:

👉School Administration and Security Management

👉School Administration and Risk Management

👉School Administration and CyberSecurity Management

👉School Administration and Financial Management

👉School Administration and Instructional Materials Management

👉School Administration and Curriculum Management

👉School Administration and Human Resources Management

👉School Administration and Health and Safety Management

👉School Administration and Conflict Management

👉School Administration and Information Management

👉School Administration and Customer Relations Management

👉School Administration and Project Management

👉School Administration and Infrastructural Management

👉School Administration and Brand Management

👉School Administration and Policy Formulation Management

👉School Administration and Community Relationship Management

👉School Administration and Records Management

👉School Administration and Students’ Enrollment Management

👉School Administration and Students’ Academic Performance Management

👉School Administration and Legal Matters Management

👉School Administration and Educational Digitization

No participant can go through these courses and be found wanting or deficient in any area of School Administration again, locally and globally.

*Training Duration*

The duration of this training is flexible depending on the convenience and availability of the participant.

The duration of the training programme ranges from one month to six months which covers most critical aspects of School Administration in the most practical and professional dimension.

*Training Schedule*

This training holds several times in a year and is self paced at the participant’s convenient schedule.

It can be done at any time of the day with minimum of one hour per day and it sits entirely online

 *Training Target Audience*

👉School Owners.

👉Prospective Successors.

👉School Administrators

👉Principals and Head teachers

👉Vice Principals and Ass Head teachers

👉HODs, HOSs, HOUs, etc

👉Principal Officers and others as the Proprietor may recommend

*Training Benefits*

Apart from the capacity building and knowledge acquisition that is obtainable from attending these 20 courses, the following additional benefits accrue to the training participants:

 _1. Professional Membership_

Anyone who participates in the training automatically becomes the member of professional school administrators – the foremost professional body of school administrators in the country.

 _2. Professional Certification_

Anyone who participates in the training shall be entitled for induction into the membership of the Association  with designation written after his/her name.


Mr H.M. Okonta, MPSA

 _3. CASA Visit_

CASA means Compliance and Standard Assessment. Anyone who participates in the training shall be given CASA Checklist for free and shall be qualified to host at least one CASA visit in a session in his/her school at a discounted rate.

The purpose of the CASA Visit is to monitor the level of compliance to standard practices in the school and to be advised for improvement accordingly.

 _5. Professional Certification Level 2_

Anyone who participates in the training is qualified to apply for the second professional qualification level of *an Associate*  if he/she scores 70% and above during the CASA Visit.

 _6. Education Awards_

Anyone who participates in the training is qualified to participate in the annual Nigeria Education Awards for Best Schools in Nigeria (BESIN). This is the highest school award ceremony rewarding best practices in Educational Practice in the country. There are over 20 categories of awards during the glamorous event.

 _7. Local and International Exposure and Exchange Tours_

Anyone who participates in the training is qualified to attend various educational, exposure and exchange visits to standard schools locally and internationally at discounted prices.

 *Post-training Benefits:*



👉Compliance and Standards Assessment (CASA)

👉Showcase Schools Platform

👉Exposure and Understudying Visits

👉Exchange Programmes

👉 Continuing Professional Development

 *Training Deliverables:*

Certification (Professional, Associate and Fellow)

Course Materials

Audio Notes

*Training Cost*

N150,000 per participant.

This is the training cost for all the 20 courses in the intensive one-week training workshop.

This training will lead to the induction/investiture as a Professional School Administrator.

Please note that the training cost does not cover the Induction/Investiture Ceremony


A 6-month executive certification programme for school owners and administrators

Leading to an award of Diploma in *SCHOOL BUSINESS* (Dip. School Business)


Investiture as MPSA (Member, Professional School Administrator)

Week 1:

School Administration and Finance Management

Week 2:

School Administration and Student Academic Performance Management

Week 3:

School Administration and Student Enrollment Management

Week 4:

School Administration and Brand Management

Week 5:

School Administration and Customers’ Relationship Management

Week 6:

School Administration and Education Digitization Management

Week 7:

School Administration and Community Relationship Management

Week 8:

School Administration and Human Resource Management

Week 9:

School Administration and Risk Management

Week 10:

School Administration and Finance Management

Week 11:

School Administration and Curriculum Management

Week 12:

School Administration and Instructional Materials Management

Week 13:

School Administration and Security Management

Week 14:

School Administration and Conflict Management

Week 15:

School Administration and Cyber Security Management

Week 16:

School Administration and Legal Matters Management

Week 17:

School Administration and Health and Safety Management

Week 18:

School Administration and Project Management

Week 19:

School Administration and School Records Management

Week 20:

School Administration and Infrastructural Management

Week 21:


Week 22:


Week 23:


Week 24:



Participants watch the video during the week at their convenience between Monday and Friday


Participants gather for Group Discussions every Saturday evening by 7.30pm to discuss the Course for the week and ask relevant questions on the WhatsApp platforms.

The last four weeks are used for Project, Internship, Examination and Graduation/Investiture.

For further enquiries on registration and participation, please contact:

The Communications Manager,

Mrs Adebukola Davies


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